Biofeedback is used along with other treatments.
- Younger patients might be able to regain control over involuntary actions with biofeedback.
- The purpose of this technique is to help a child develop a better understanding of how their body works to help manage disruptive symptoms.

Using Biofeedback in Urology
Biofeedback may be used to help with:
- Urinary tract infections
- Instances of daytime bedwetting
- Reversed flow of urine back into the kidneys via the ureters
Biofeedback isn’t meant to replace other treatments for urologic conditions Instead, it’s meant to serve as a supplemental treatment.
The Goal of Pediatric Biofeedback
With pediatric urology biofeedback, children are taught to retrain pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are important because they affect how the bladder is able to store and release urine.
Biofeedback involves teaching children to learn how to relax these bladder-supporting muscles so they completely empty their bladder.
During a Biofeedback Session
- During a biofeedback session, “stickers” with wires attached to them that go to a computer are gently placed on a child’s buttocks and stomach.
- The attached wires send signals to computer so it can be determined how a child’s pelvic floor muscles are contracting and relaxing.
- This information is translated into visual and audio images. It’s the visual and audio results that allow a child to tell what their pelvic floor muscles are doing as they perform certain exercises.
- Eventually, the child will learn to practice these exercises on their own as they get a better sense of what motions to make to help control their bladder functions.